Recent Episodes

Episode 2.5…The Method

Spring rains and warmer temps in the south signal Thomasina Pidgeon’s annual return to Squamish. For the last decade, the collection of granite eggs stacked beneath the Chief’s looming walls have been a touchstone. Each year welcomes a variety of attempts, new discoveries and sends. Tall and proud, The Method is one of Squamish’s most difficult boulder problems. It’s incredible how 12 feet of stone can define a season.  But the conditions can be difficult– exposed to the sun, the micro crimps and delicate foot smears are next to impossible. It’s a finicky creature.


Recent Episodes

Episode 2.2

Kevin Landry and Jeremy Norris both moved west to the mountain biking mecca of Squamish with the same goal in mind — ride as much as possible and create their own vision of mountain biking. As luck would have it, they would move into home right across the street from one another, forge a friend ship and begin sniffing around for new lines and trails. Curiosity powers mountain biking’s evolution, so Kevin and Jeremy went looking.


Recent Episodes

It Begins…Welcome to The Season 2

It’s been said that stories are like rivers. Bryan and I specialize in following them to their conclusion. We are very proud to present The Season 2.


This year we picked five new athletes each with their own unique storyline. An amputee climber sets his sights on becoming whole again by returning to Yosemite to realize a lifelong dream. A conservationist and angler searches for a fabled ghost run of wild steelhead on one of California’s most troubled rivers. One of the world’s best boulderers struggles to balance her career as a boulderer with raising her daughter. From a burned forest, a vision of an incredible mountain bike trail emerges from the ashes into reality. In the wake of achieving an unthinkable goal, a ski mountaineer returns to the peak where he first met failure.
