Recent Episodes

The Season 2.21…Summit or Bust

Dawn breaks on Mount Rainier and it’s time for the 6,000-foot climb from base camp to the summit. This is the chance for Greg Hill to summit the mountain that launched him on his skiing career. Now, if only the weather will window will hold long enough.


Recent Episodes

The Season 2.19…Mountain of Potential

Rising 14,000 feet above sea level, Mount Rainier is where many aspiring mountaineers go to test their skills. Crevasses, hanging glaciers, weather that’s not always predictable. At 19, Greg had the climbing bug and set his sights on Rainier. But summiting is not a gimme by any means. When he first saw Rainier, Greg “saw an amazing mountain that scared the crap out of me. There was a lot of fear but no understanding.” After years spent honing skills in the mountains, Greg views Rainier as a mountain of potential. Now, he’s set his sights on two routes in two days.
