Recent Episodes

The Season 2.11…A Choice

Craig DeMartino barely survived his 100 foot fall. After three months in the ER, critical care and rehabilitation centers, he was able to return home to his family and something that resembled his life before the accident. His frail body made living difficult and a rare nerve disorder brought on by the trauma only worsened the situation. Craig was faced with a decision. His right foot would never heal. He would never chase his kids across the backyard or climb again. But there was an option — amputation. It was a risk, but it seemed no foot might be better than a bad foot. Craig thought long and hard. In an attempt to get his life back, Craig decided he would rather be an amputee than spend the rest of his life regretting.


Recent Episodes

Episode 2.6…The Fall

In 2002, Craig DeMartino’s life should have ended. Craig took a 100-foot ground  fall after a miscommunication with his climbing partner. The accident left Craig in a wheelchair and a slew of medical problems. Thankful to be alive, Craig still struggled to redefine himself after the accident.  His lifestyle had changed forever. He struggled to play with his kids. The outdoors were no longer a part of his life. After being diagnosed with a neurological condition, Craig reached a turning point. He could amputate his slow-healing foot to stem his nerve condition and gamble that he could get his life back or he could stick with the obvious outcome — stay in a wheelchair and grapple with pain for the rest of his life.
